Vectors usually used by Minecraft
Vectors usually used by Minecraft
Vectors usually used by Minecraft
Vector for coordinates storing and operations.
Calculate the absolute value of the array.
Ceils a vector to the nearest integer.
Calculates the distance between to vectors of the same length.
Floors a vector to the nearest integer.
Checks whether or not every member of the vector is finite (not infite, -inifite, nan).
Checks whether or not at least one member of the vector is not a number (nan).
Rounds a vector to the nearest integer.
Automatically creates a vector if the number of the given arguments matches one of the default vectors.
Casts an EntityPosition to a BlockPosition using vector's opCast.
Gets a BlockPosition from an ushort that indicates a position in a chunk.
Casts a BlockPosition to an EntityPosition using vector's opCast.
Gets a ushort that indicates a position in a chunk.
Vector for coordinates storing and operations.
Checks if the given type is a vector
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