Constructs a colour using rgb(a) values (in range 0..255). By default alpha is 0% transparent (255).
Creates the average colour of the given one.
Compares two colours.
Encodes the colour as an unsigned integer to be used in the network operations or to be saved.
Encodes the colour as an unsigned integer to be used in the network operations or to be saved.
Checks if the colour is completely transparent (with the alpha channel equals to 0).
Sets the colour as transparent (with alpha = 0) or opaque (with alpha = 255).
Converts an rgb-encoded integer to a Color.
Converts and hexadecimal representation of a colour into a Color object.
Color c = new Color(255, 0, 0); = 255; assert(c == new Color(255, 0, 255));
Container for an rgba colour.