Loads the values from a file.
Saves the field's values into a file. If none is given the values are saved in the same file they have been loaded from (if the load method has been called), otherwise the file is not saved.
Config!(Value!string("name"), _, Value!uint("players", 0), Value!uint("max", 256), _, Value!(uint[])("array")) example; assert(example.players == 0); assert(example.max == 256); alias Example = Config!("comment", value("field", "value"), _, value("int", 12u)); Example.init.save("example.txt"); assert(read("example.txt") == "# comment\nfield: value\n\nint: 12\n"); // with posix's line-endings
Container for configuration files with compile-time format and members.
The file is saved in a text file in format "field: value", one per line, with every value converted into a string. Supported values are the basic numeric types, string and arrays of these two.
Use value to indicate a field with a static type, _ to insert an empty line and a string to insert a comment.