1 /* 2 * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 sel-project 3 * 4 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy 5 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal 6 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights 7 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell 8 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is 9 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 10 * 11 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all 12 * copies or substantial portions of the Software. 13 * 14 * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR 15 * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, 16 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 17 * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER 18 * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, 19 * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE 20 * SOFTWARE. 21 * 22 */ 23 /** 24 * Copyright: 2017-2018 sel-project 25 * License: MIT 26 * Authors: Kripth 27 * Source: $(HTTP github.com/sel-project/selery/source/selery/hub/handler/handler.d, selery/hub/handler/handler.d) 28 */ 29 module selery.hub.handler.handler; 30 31 import std.json : JSONValue; 32 import std.socket : SocketException; 33 import std.string : toLower, indexOf, strip, split, join; 34 35 import sel.server.bedrock : BedrockServerImpl; 36 import sel.server.java : JavaServerImpl; 37 import sel.server.query : Query; 38 import sel.server.util : ServerInfo, GenericServer; 39 40 import selery.about; 41 import selery.config : Config; 42 import selery.hub.handler.hncom : HncomHandler, LiteNode; 43 import selery.hub.handler.rcon : RconHandler; 44 import selery.hub.handler.webadmin : WebAdminHandler; 45 import selery.hub.handler.webview : WebViewHandler; 46 import selery.hub.server : HubServer; 47 import selery.lang : Translation; 48 import selery.log : Format; 49 import selery.util.thread : SafeThread; 50 51 /** 52 * Main handler with the purpose of starting children handlers, 53 * store constant informations and reload them when needed. 54 */ 55 class Handler { 56 57 private shared HubServer server; 58 59 private shared JSONValue additionalJson; 60 private shared string socialJson; // already encoded 61 62 public shared this(shared HubServer server, shared ServerInfo info, shared Query _query) { 63 64 this.server = server; 65 66 this.regenerateSocialJson(); 67 68 bool delegate(string ip) acceptIp; //TODO must be implemented by sel-server 69 immutable forcedIp = server.config.hub.serverIp.toLower; 70 if(forcedIp.length) { 71 acceptIp = (string ip){ return ip.toLower == forcedIp; }; 72 } else { 73 acceptIp = (string ip){ return true; }; 74 } 75 76 // start handlers 77 78 void startGenericServer(shared GenericServer gs, string name, const(Config.Hub.Address)[] addresses) { 79 foreach(address ; addresses) { 80 try { 81 gs.start(address.ip, address.port, _query); 82 debug server.logger.log(Translation("handler.listening", [Format.green ~ name ~ Format.reset, address.toString()])); 83 } catch(SocketException e) { 84 server.logger.logError(Translation("handler.error.bind", [name, address.toString(), (e.msg.indexOf(":")!=-1 ? e.msg.split(":")[$-1].strip : e.msg)])); 85 } catch(Throwable t) { 86 server.logger.logError(Translation("handler.error.address", [name, address.toString()])); 87 } 88 } 89 } 90 91 with(server.config.hub) { 92 93 if(!server.lite) { 94 auto s = new shared HncomHandler(server, &this.additionalJson); 95 s.start(acceptedNodes, hncomPort); 96 } else { 97 new SafeThread(server.config.lang, { new shared LiteNode(server, &this.additionalJson); }).start(); 98 } 99 100 if(bedrock) { 101 auto s = new shared BedrockServerImpl!supportedBedrockProtocols(info, server); 102 startGenericServer(s, "bedrock", bedrock.addresses); 103 } 104 105 if(java) { 106 auto s = new shared JavaServerImpl!supportedJavaProtocols(info, server); 107 startGenericServer(s, "java", java.addresses); 108 } 109 110 if(rcon) { 111 auto s = new shared RconHandler(server); 112 startGenericServer(s, "rcon", rconAddresses); 113 } 114 115 if(webView) { 116 auto s = new shared WebViewHandler(server, &this.socialJson); 117 startGenericServer(s, "web_view", webViewAddresses); 118 } 119 120 if(webAdmin) { 121 auto s = new shared WebAdminHandler(server); 122 startGenericServer(s, "web_admin", webAdminAddresses); 123 } 124 125 } 126 127 } 128 129 /** 130 * Regenerates the social json adding a string field 131 * for each social field that is not empty in the settings. 132 */ 133 private shared void regenerateSocialJson() { 134 const config = this.server.config; 135 this.socialJson = config.hub.social.toString(); 136 JSONValue[string] additional; 137 additional["social"] = config.hub.social; 138 additional["minecraft"] = ["edu": config.hub.edu]; 139 additional["software"] = ["name": Software.name, "version": Software.displayVersion]; 140 this.additionalJson = cast(shared)JSONValue(additional); 141 } 142 143 /** 144 * Closes the handlers and frees the resources. 145 */ 146 public shared void shutdown() { 147 //TODO gracefully shutdown every thread 148 } 149 150 } 151 152 deprecated("Server is never reloaded") interface Reloadable { 153 154 public shared void reload(); 155 156 }