Parses a non-null compound saved in the Minecraft's Anvil format.
Parses a non-null compound saved from a Minecraft: Pocket Edition's LevelDB format.
Gets the action type of the tile, used in Minecraft's UpdateBlockEntity packet.
Gets the named binary tag. The tag may be null if the tile does not exists in the game's version or when the tile is in its inital state (or empty).
Gets the tile's spawn id for Minecraft and Minecraft: Pocket Edition. They're usually in snake case in Minecraft (flower_pot) and in pascal case in Minecraft: Pocket Edition (FlowerPot).
Indicates whether the tile has been placed in a world.
Gets the named binary tag. The tag may be null if the tile does not exists in the game's version or when the tile is in its inital state (or empty).
Gets the tile's spawn id for Minecraft and Minecraft: Pocket Edition. They're usually in snake case in Minecraft (flower_pot) and in pascal case in Minecraft: Pocket Edition (FlowerPot).
Gets the tile's position in the world, if placed.
Gets the world the tile is placed in, if placed is true.
Gets the block's sul data.
Gets the block's SEL id.
Indicates whether the block exists in Minecraft.
Indicates whether the block exists in Minecraft.
Indicates whether a block is solid (can sustain another block or an entity) or not.
Indicates whether the block is a fluid.
Indicates the block's hardness, used to calculate the mining time of the block's material.
Indicates whether the block can be mined.
Indicates whether the block can be mined or it's destroyed simply by a left-click.
Gets the blast resistance, used for calculate the resistance at the explosion of solid blocks.
Gets the block's opacity, in a range from 0 to 15, where 0 means that the light propagates like in the air and 15 means that the light is totally blocked.
Indicates the level of light emitted by the block in a range from 0 to 15.
Boolean value indicating whether or not the block is replaced when touched with a placeable item.
Boolean value indicating whether or not the block can be burnt.
Modifies an entity's damage. The value should be higher than 0.
Indicates whether the block has a bounding box which entities can collide with, even if the block is not solid.
If hasBoundingBox is true, returns the bounding box of the block as an Axis instance. Values are from 0 to 1
Get the dropped items as a slot array.
Get the amount of dropped xp when the block is broken
Function called when a player right-click the block. Blocks like tile should use this function for handle the interaction. N.B. That this function will no be called if the player shifts while performing the right-click/screen-tap.
Called when an entity is inside the block (or part of it).
Called when an entity falls on walks on the block.
Called when an entity collides with the block's side (except top).
Boolean value indicating whether or not the block can receive a random tick. This property is only requested when the block is placed.
If the property doRandomTick is true, this function could be called undefined times duraing the chunk's random ticks.
Function called when the block is receives an update. Redstone mechanism should be handled from this function.
Function called by the world after a requets made by the block using World.scheduleBlockUpdate if the rule in the world is activated.
Boolean value indicating whether or not the upper block is air or isn't solid.
Compare the block names.
A special block that contains additional data.