Gets the item's data.
Indicates wether the item exists in Minecraft.
Indicates whether the item exists in Minecraft.
Gets the name (not the custom name!) of the item.
Indicates the highest number of items that can be stacked in a slot. This number is the default slot's count if not specified when created.
Indicates whether the item is a tool. A tool can be used on blocks and entities and its meta will vary.
Gets the item's tool type.
Gets the tool's material if the item is a tool. Items with ID 0 have unspecified material, 1 is the minimum (wood) and 5 is the maximum (diamond).
If the item is a tool, checks whether its damage is higher than its durability.
Indicates the damage caused by the item when used as a weapon. The value indicates the base damage without the influence of enchantments or effects.
Indicates whether or not an item can be eaten/drunk. If true, Item::onConsumed(Human consumer) will be called when this item is eaten/drunk.
Indicates whether the item can be consumed when the holder's hunger is full.
If consumeable is true, this function is called. when the item is eaten/drunk by its holder, who's passed as the first arguments. Return: null: the item count will be reduced by 1 item: the item will substitutes the consumed item
Indicates whether or not the item can be placed. If this function returns true, Item::place(World world) will be probably called next for place a block
Function called when the item is ready to be placed by a player (the event for the player has already been called).
If Item::placeable returns true, this function should return an instance of the block that will be placed.
Function called when the item is used on a block clicking the right mouse button or performing a long pressure on the screen.
Function called when the item is used to the destroy a block.
Function called when the item is used on an entity as right click or long screen pressure.
Function called when the item is used against an entity as a left click or screen tap.
Function called when the item is throwed or aimed.
Function called when the item is released, usually after it has been throwed (which is used as aim-start function).
Gets the item's compound tag with the custom data of the item. It may be null if the item has no custom behaviours.
Parses a compound, usually received from the client or saved in a world. The tag should never be null as the method doesn't check it.
Removes the custom behaviours of the item, like custom name and enchantments.
Gets the item's custom name.
Sets the item's custom name.
Gets the item's lore or description which is displayed under the item's name when the item is hovered in the player's inventory.
Adds an enchantment to the item.
Gets a pointer to the enchantment. This method can be used to check if the item has an enchantment and its level.
Removes an enchantment from the item.
If the item is a tool, indicates whether the item is consumed when used for breaking or combat.
Deep comparation of 2 instantiated items. Compare ids, metas, custom names and enchantments.
Compare an item with its type as a string or a group of strings.
Returns the item as string in format "name" or "name:damage" for tools.
Create a slot with the Item::max as count